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House Rules

  •  Residents must be clean and sober at all times on and off the premise. Residents must be sober a minimum of 72 hours prior to admission. Random alcohol and drug testing at the house discretion enforcing a zero tolerance rule for all residents.


  • Daily AA/NA meeting(s) are mandatory, residents unemployed will take advantage of attending additional daily meetings until full time work is secured. In addition to recovery meetings weekly house meetings are also required. Any modification to meeting requirements is done on a case by case basis by the director.


  • Your financial obligation to the house takes priority over all other obligations. Two weeks rent is due for entry into the house. Half of the deposit pays the first weeks rent the other half is held as a deposit on your account which pays the last weeks rent upon successful completion of the program. Rent is your responsibility it is collected every Friday by 5 PM for the upcoming week. Failure to pay rent is grounds for dismissal from the house.


  • Signing-In and Out is required anytime you leave the property. Curfew is 9:30 PM Monday – Sunday. Curfew violation will result in eviction. Any resident expecting to be late due to uncontrollable circumstance must notify staff at least 30 minuets prior. Third shift workers must abide by the curfew if not working.


  • Theft will not be tolerated and is immediate dismissal from the house. Residents are not allowed in other resident rooms unless invited and the individual is present. Rooms are to be left unlocked. Residents may have personal security containers at the residents cost. Four County Transitional Living assumes no responsibility for resident property or theft of property.


  • Second Shift is not allowed. Residents will obtain 1st or 3rd shift employment. Failure to secure full time employment is cause for eviction. Residents on existing disability or retirement will be required to volunteer services. Each resident is required to preform household duties on a rotating schedule along with other maintenance as requested.


  • Each resident will maintain acceptable personal hygiene and be fully clothed in proper attire while in public areas wearing shoes or house slippers. Residents are not allowed to lay down or sleep in common areas. Residents are expected to keep their own area in a high state of cleanliness. Bed linens are to be changed weekly.


  • Any guest is not allowed in sleeping areas, this includes direct family member are not allowed in any sleeping area. Minor guest must be a direct family member or they are not allowed in the house. In house visitation will not exceed two hours weekly.


  • Fraternization not allowed on the premises. Fraternizing is not tolerated this includes all sexual orientations.

    1. Female residents may attend meetings at 4CTL, however females must leave the premises within 15 minuets after the end of a meeting.

    2. Residents of 4CTL have no reason to be alone with anyone of the opposite sex while living at 4CTL. This includes vehicles on the property. Immediate dismissal from the house will result.

    3. 4CTL resident are only allowed in the Alano Club at times approved on your meeting schedule. No loitering before or after the meetings.


  • Show respect of other house residents. All electronics will be off by 11PM, use head phones while electronics are played in your room. Clean up after yourself.


  • All new residents must complete their orientation period in good standing to be eligible for an overnight pass normally after the 3rd or 4th weekend of residency. New residents must have weekend free time approved while in their orientation period. All pass request will be reviewed, approved or denied based on the residents good standing in the house.


  • Smoking is permitted in the outdoor designated area only.


  • Gambling of any sort is strictly forbidden on the premise.


  • House phone is for all residents use, there is a ten minuet time limitation while using it. Please post phone messages for other residents. No calls after 11 PM daily. The house phone is only for local calls.


  • Meal preparation for yourself as well as other residents during the permitted times only. All food is to be consumed in the dining area only, no food, open drinks are allowed in the living or bedrooms. The supper meal is prepared and provided Monday through Friday. CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF HELP KEEP THE KITCHEN CLEAN AT ALL TIMES.


  • Four County Transitional Living reserves the right to notify any referring agency, court, employer, family and friends etc. should any resident be asked to leave the facility for any reason.


  • Personal Items left more than fourteen (14) days after departure become house property. Items will be discarded or donated. All financial obligations must be paid prior to picking up such items.


  • The house director and staff are directly responsible for enforcement of the above rules and will exercise judgment and discretion at all times when in charge. Non-compliance with the House Rules or Insubordination will result in eviction without exception.
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